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Can 2020 Jeju Fire Festival Get Green Light?

bigfool.in.jeju 2020. 2. 11. 11:40

Jeju Fire Festival 2019. ⓒ Jeju City.

 Admist the terror of the new Coronavirus(nCoV), can Jeju fire festival be held this year?

 The answer will be given in this week, Jeju Econmy, local internet newspaer on Monday reported.

 Many events have been cancelled after Korea had many confirmed patients of the virus. Jeju Special Self-governing Provincial Office(Jeju) is considering postponing the festival as specialists estimated it may take a few months untill all settles down.

 But, Jeju City, which is the organizer, is more into holding to the plan that it is held March 12~15. They have been spotted working procedures for making it happen like drafting security plan out, joint meeting, the final briefing, etc.

 A city officer replied "It isn't confired, yet, we are doing what we can do thinking that it will he held. The final call will be made this week." to the medium.

 However, many expect it will get green light as Jeju keeps its 'coronavirus-free' status with neither confirmed nor quarantiend patient untill January 9th, the newspaper emphasized.