내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

20200306 COVID-19 Status in Jeju

bigfool.in.jeju 2020. 3. 6. 16:16

source: Jeju Special Self-governing Provincial Office.

 Jeju has found 4 people confirmed positive for COVID-19 test as of March 6th. All were found to have been infected from visiting Daegu.

 The last 4th male case has caused some news as his itinerary changed significantly. The second announcement of it had more possiblities of close contacts, especially with his crew. Local newspapers' reports raise suspicions over this matter because Jeju government is very reluctant to revealing the itinerary of the 'acquaintance' of the No. 4. Its gender has never officialy been exposed, yet. But, rumors say it is a female, who was informed of his result and tested positive in Daegu.

 To day, he has been investigated to have seen 74 people in a close range in 8 different places.