내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

Coronavirus Cases Rise Again in Jeju

bigfool.in.jeju 2020. 3. 26. 13:15


The itinerary of the 3rd tourist case of coronavirus positive. Source: JTO facebook page.
The itinerary of the 3rd tourist case of coronavirus positive. Source: JTO facebook page.
The itinerary of the 3rd tourist case of coronavirus positive. Source: JTO facebook page.


 Jeju was hit by new cases of coronavirus positive on Wedensday the 25th.

 Jeju Special Self-governing Provincial Office announced yesterday 2 cases were verified after another 2 on Tuesday.

 One case is from Seoul. The subject is a 19-year-old girl who came back to Korea on March 15th from the US where she was studying. She visited Jeju on March 20th with mom and 2 more people. Her itinerary is like the above.

 The problem is that she ignored the advice from the authority to stay home for at least 14 days, and she already had minor symptoms like sore muscles and throat on the 1st day. But, she kept her schedule to drive around half the island. People got furious about the fact, and began a campaing with a slogan 'Jeju is not a haven from coronavirus!'

 Governor Won Hee-ryong himself on Thursday put an emphasis on this and made a strong point that anyone will be serioulsy put upon consequences if they lie about travel history to foreign countries and self-quarantine.

 The other case is from Jeju. The confirmed is a female student(26) who studied in the Europe. She came back to Jeju on March 23rd via Dubai to Incheon. She took the Asiana OZ8997 at 8:50 pm at Gimpo on the same day. She took a taxi from Jeju International Airport.

 She had no fever while entering to Jeju. However, she stayed at home as she was informed to be on active watch lists. Then, she went to Jeju Healthcare Center on Wednesday morning, had test, and confirmed positive that night.

 Even with the result, she still shows no symptom at all to this moment.

 So, currently, Jeju has 3 patients being treated. The other 2 are couples who came back from Spain on March 18h and to Jeju on March 19th, and got confirmed on 24th.

 As Korea has now more cases from people who visited foreign countries, Jeju seems to go through the same experience.