내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

Coronavirus Under Good Control in Jeju

bigfool.in.jeju 2020. 4. 6. 11:37

The Status as of 12am, April 6th. ⓒJeju.

 Jeju has been in a good control over the novel coronavirus outbreak as it has only 12 confirmed positive cases while 4 of them discharged from the hospital.

Details of the confirmed cases. ⓒJeju.

 Out of the 12 confirmed cases, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th are fully recovered and released from in-bed care by the authority.

 The most unique patient is the No. 1, a naval soldier in his 20s, as he spent about a month getting over the virus, and tested postive again while being closely monitored after discharged from the hospital. The second confirmation was not as vivid as the first, but the local governmnet is keeping an eye on his condition.

 The one point to be noticed is that Jeju has more confirmed patients who returned to Jeju from studying abroad like the other citied in Korea. No. 7 to 12 are the cases except for No. 11, who is a family to No. 9. Considering No. 5 & 6 tested positive after coming back from taking a language course in Spain, all the infections in Jeju seem to have foreign origins.

 This makes me wonder what keep Jeju from getting community-acquired infection. Is it the government control, the cooperation of local people, or the clean and comparatively wet environment of Jeju?