내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju
No More Positive Case From The Jeju 14th COVID-19
2020. 5. 12. 21:26
It is lucky enough to have a result that all 140 people who were closely contacted the 14th patient, who got infected after visiting King Club in Itaewon, Seoul on May 5th, tested NEGATIVE.
Jeju officially announced that they have finished running tests on everybody that was in the course of the itineraries of the sick.
제주도 14번 코로나19 확진자와 밀접접촉자 140명 모두 음성 판정. 다행이다. 역시 제주도에서 신종 코로나바이러스는 힘을 잃는 느낌.