내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

Jeju Witnesses 37 Cases Of COVID19

bigfool.in.jeju 2020. 12. 24. 13:20

  Jeju has seen 37 new cases of COVID19 in less than 48 hours. It had 32 more people tested positive for COVID19 in December 22(273~304). This is the most it had in one day.

■ Live Cafe Cases

13 out of 37 confirmed are related to the 7080 Live Cafe in Yongdam are.

- 275: Contacted case 239.

- 281: Visited the live cafe.

- 287: Family to case 238(positve on Dec. 20

- 291, 294, 295, 296, 298: Contacted case 275.

- 300, 303: Visited the live cafe.

- 304: Contacted 291.

- 277, 279: Contacted case 263.

- 280: Contacted case 236.

- 282, 292: Contacted case 270.

- 283: Contacted case 183, has been isolated since Dec. 18.

- 284, 285: Families. Arrived in Jeju from Seoul area on Dec. 8. Showed symptoms as cold and shaking.

- 289, 290: Families. Arrived in Jeju from Seoul area on Dec. 20. Case 290 was informed of contacting a patient from Yandcheon-gu, Seoul.

- 297: Contacted case 103, has been isolated since Dec. 10.

- 299: Contacted case 190.

- 301: Contacted a patient in the mainland.

- 302: Visited Seoul area.