내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

Jeju Has 9 More Cases Of COVID19

bigfool.in.jeju 2020. 12. 31. 12:50


  Jeju today announced that it had 9 more cases(#408~416) of COVID19 on December 29th. It had 11 on the 27th, 5 on the 28th, and 10 on the 29th. Neople, a game company in Nohyeong-dong had 2 cases, which led the overall test on the whole staff of 1,295.

  The cases are related to ▲Halla Sauna(409·413·414) ▲Gimnyeong Cathedral(410) ▲7080 Live Cafe(412) ▲Contacting patients(408·411·415·416), it figured out.

- 408, 411: Contacted patients.

Case 408 contacted case 407. And case 411번은 contacted case 398.

- 415, 416: Family with case 286 and case 404. Been in isolation before they tested positive.

- 409, 413, 414: Related with Halla Sauna.

Case 409 contacted case 225. Been in isolation since December 21st.

Case 413 is family with case 196. Had symptoms while in isolation.

Case 414 is family with case 190.

- 410: Family with case 150 who got infected through the church.

- 412: Contacted case 260 who was contracted by COVID19 through 7080 Live Cafe.

These add up to 56 cases from the live cafe, 75 from the sauna, and 32 from the cathedral, as of the midnight of Dec. 20th.