내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

Jeju Adds 27 New COVID19 Cases During NYD

bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 1. 4. 18:28


  Jeju has 27 more cases of COVID19 during the first 3 days of New Year: 13 on January 1st, 4 on the 2nd, and 10 on the 3rd.

● Jan. 1st(422~434)

▲Related to Halla Sauna 5(425·426·427·429·431) ▲Contacted patients 5(422·423·430·433·434) ▲Arrived from abroad 1(432) ▲To be decided 2(424·428).

- 425, 426, 427, 429, 431: Related with Halla Sauna. Tested positived before being released from isolation.

Cases 425 and 426 are family with case 210, case 427 with case 202, cases 429 & 431 with case 198. Have been in isolation since December 19th.

(They are 83 cases now from Halla Sauna as of the midnight of January 1st).

- 422, 423, 430, 433, 434: Contacted patients.

Cases 422 and 423 contacted case 417 who was confirmed with a positive result.

Case 430 is family with case 424. The test on December 25th was negative.

- 433, 434: Family with case 315. Been in isolation since December 23 when case 315 test positive.

- 432: Arrivedn in Jeju on January 1st. Had a sample collected at the walk-thru clinic at the airport.

- 424, 428: Being researched.


● Jan. 2nd(435~438)

▲1 from Gimnyeong cathedral(435) ▲1 from Halla Sauna(438) ▲1 from contacting patients(437) ▲1 to be researched(436).

- 435: Contacted case 221 who got infected through the church.

- 438: Contacted case 431 through Halla Sauna. 

- 437: Contacted case 249, and has been in isolation. Showed no specific symptoms.

- 436: Had symptoms before going to getting a test done.

(They are 84 from Halla Sauna and 33 from Gimnyeong Cathedral as of the midnight of the 2nd).


● Jan. 3rd(439~448)

▲2 from Halla Sauna(439·442) ▲3 from a vocational rehabilitation Center(444·445·446) ▲2 from contacting patients(447·448) ▲1 from who arrived in Jeju ▲2 to be researched.

(86 from Halla Sauna, and 8 from vocational rehabilitation center).

- 439, 442: Related with Halla Sauna.

Case 439 is family with case 299. Symptoms developed during isolation.

Case 442 contacted case 326.

- 444, 445, 446: Related with Gil vocational rehabilitation center.

Had negative results on December 23rd.

- 447: Contacted case 333. Tested negative on December 24th.

- 448: Family with case 441. The test right after the confirmation of case 441 ended up 'positive'.

- 440: Arrived in Jeju on December 21st. Had a result of 'negative' in the first.