내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

6 COVID19 Cases Confirmed In Jeju

bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 1. 7. 23:25


  Jeju has 9 more cases of COVID19(#462~470) on December 6th. And it has 4 more as of 5 pm of December 7th.

  The 9 people who got infected are ▲6 from contacting patients(463·464·465·467·469·470) ▲1 from Halla Sauna(462) and 2 will be decided(466·468).

- 463: Contacted case 459. Case 459 tested postived on December 5th.

- 464, 470: Family with case 441 who was confirmed of the infection on the 3rd. Been in isolation before having symptoms.

- 465, 467, 469: Contacted case 460. Cases 465 and 467 are family with case 460. Had themselves tested right after case 460 tested positive. And case 469 contacted case 460.

- 462: Family with case 189 who tested positive on December 18th. Been in isolation before getting the result from the last-moment test. This marks up 88 people who contracted the coronavirus throught Halla Sauna.

- 466, 468: To be resolved.


● Dec. 7th(#417~474. As of 5 pm)

- 471: Contacted case 466 who was confirmed of infection.

- 472: Contacted a patient from the mainland. Was notified of the fact on the 6th and had a test done.

- 473, 474: To be researched.