내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

1 COVID19 Case In Jeju On Dec. 18

bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 1. 19. 15:50

  Jeju had 1 case of COVID19(#500) out ofr 507 tests on January 18. This marks up 79 altogether in 2021, and 11 in the last week with the average case a day 1.57.

  Case 500 tested positive at around 6pm, but is under investigation for itineraries. The person stated having a dinner with friends from the mainland before, Jeju revealed.

  However, the whole check-up on 83 people on a local juvenile penitentiary ended up with 0 case after the final one on the 18th before they were released from isolation. They had no positive case at the first look-at on the 6th.