내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

Tourist's Test Results In Positive In Jeju

bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 2. 10. 22:14

A tourist from Seoul tested positive for COVID19 after arriving in Jeju.
The person(Jeju case 540) had symptoms from February 5th, and went to get a test done on February 8th. But A was reached with the news on February 9th when A was already in Jeju. A was known to visit Jeju with 5 others including family, which is a violation of COVID19 restrictions. The others got negative results.
Other than this, Jeju had 2 more cases(#538~539) on February 8th.
Case 538 is from Gangbuk~gu, Seoul. 538 arrived in Jeju on February 6th, and took a package tour bus. This made the health authorities pay more attentions.
Case 539 contacted case 528 & 529 who tested positive on February 4th. 539's family had negatibe results.