내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

8 More Test Positive For 2 Days

bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 2. 12. 23:12

Jeju has 4 more people tested positive for COVID19 for 2 days
제주도 코로나19 확진자 10일 4명, 11일 4명 발생.

● Feb. 10th(#540~543)
- 540: Tourist from Joongrang-gu, Seoul. Had a test there on the 8th, but came to Jeju on the 9th before getting the result. This person got notified of one family member contacted the coronavirus. S/he violated the COVID19 restrictions as 5 family members are on a trip. The other people are being isolated now.

- 541: Still being researched.

- 542: Contacted case 538 who tested positive on the 8th. They arrived in Jeju on the 6th together.

- 543: Visited Seoul area from January 23rd till February 2nd. Had a shiver since February 4th, and went to get a test on the 10th. 3 people were tested.

● Feb. 11th(#544~547)
- 544: Arrived in Jeju on the 9th. Had a fever on the 11th. Claimed of getting a test in Seoul on the 8th with negative result.

-545&546: Contacted 541 who got positive notice on the 1pth.

- 547: Family with case 539 who tested positive on February 8th.