내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

Tourists Confirm Positive More In Jeju

bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 4. 8. 14:52

More tourists to Jeju test positive for COVID19 as the number of visitors is arising.
The five cases(#640~644) on April 7th are one of those.
- #640~642
Arrived in Jeju on the 5th with another perso. Their family confirmed positive on the 6th in Changwon.
- #643~644
서 Their family confirmed in Joongrang-gu, Seoul. They were accompanied by two more family members.

The three(#637~639) on the 6th are tourists as well.
- #637
Family with case 630 who confirmed on the 1st aftet having symptoms during entering the airport.
- #638
Family with case 634. Arrived in on the 2nd.
- #639
Arrived in on the 3rd from Ulsan.

The two(#635~636) were the same on the 4th.
- #635
Arrived in Jeju on the 2nd. from Seoul, Joongrang-gu.
- #636
Arrived in on the 3rd from Incheon, Michu-gu.

The two(#633~634) on the 3rd.
- #633
Arrived in Jeju on the 1st. Family in Busan confirmed.
- #634
Arrived in on the 2nd. Family in Nowon-gu, Seoul confirmed.

Case 632 on the 2nd came to Jeju on March 29th.

Case 630 out of four(#628~631) showed a fever at Jeju airport on the 1st.