내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

COVID19 Never Seems To Stop In Jeju

bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 5. 28. 00:27


New cases of COVID19 in Jeju never seem to decrease. Jeju had rough days with 19 cases(May 23rd), 17 cases(May 24th), 6 cases(May 25th), and 18 cases(May 26th) after the numbers were under 10 on May 20th(5), May 21st(7), and May 22nd(8) each.

Another group infection emerged at a draft beer shop near Jeju City hall. It has 8 cases confirmed since May 24th. They are known to have worked May 21~25. 5 of them are in theire 20s.

Beside this, Jeju has been practicing testing on people who might have contacted patients in Seogwipo City at Beophwan Community Center, the male section of Hyeondae Public Bath, and Jeju Palace Restaurant.

It was also announced that 30 cases were infected with mutant coronavirus; 29 with British one, and 1 with Indian one. The latter is a case of a person came to Jeju from abroad.

The herd infection of athletes showed 20 were with the British one.