내나라에선/제주소식in Jeju

3 Omicron Variants Add In Jeju

bigfool.in.jeju 2022. 1. 5. 03:14

● 3 Cases Of Omicron Variants Cases(1 from inside Korea, 2 from outside Korea). 9 in total so far.

△ 1 Visitor To Mainland
- Dec. 24 ~ Jan. 1
Got tested at the walk-thru clinic at Jeju International Airport after visiting Seoul area.
- Jan. 2
Confirmed of COVID19 infection
- Jan. 2
Notified of as the variant casr

△ 2 Arrivers From Abroad
❍ Arriver 1
- Dec. 30
Came to Jeju, and had a test at Jeju East Health Center
- Jan. 1
Another test
- Jan. 2
Confirmed of COVID19 positive
- Jan. 2
Notified of as an omicron case

❍ Arriver 2
- Dec. 27
Arrived from the USA. Had a test at the airport
- Dec. 28
Confirmed of COVID19 positivr
- Jan. 3
Notified of as an omicron variant after close inspection