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COVID-19 Status as of midnight March 18th. Source=Jeju Special Self-governing Province.

 The 1st patient who was confirmed positive for the novel coronavirus is almost ready to leave hospital very soon, Dr. Bae Jong-myon, Director of the Jeju Center for Infection Diseases and Prevention(JeCI), disclosed on Thursady.

 He told reporters that the patient, who is a soldier, has shown improvement and he will be discharged sooner or later. But, the 4th has to wait till next week to make a final decision.

 The soldier was tested positive on February 20th after visiting Daegu, the epicenter of the mass infection in Korea. The 4th one was diagnosed of contamination on March 4th with the same reason.

 As of the midnight March 18th, Jeju has run 35 cases. 59 people have done self-isolation.

by bigfool.in.jeju 2020. 3. 19. 12:22
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