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  Jeju has 2 new COVID19 cases(491~492) in December 13th. This marks up 11 straight days with no more than 10 infection a day in Jeju. It has also been 5 days with the number under 2.

- 491, 492: Family with case 490 who tested positive yesterday. 19 people have been checked with the coronavirus. 18 of them got negative, and the other 1 is waiting for a result.

- Jeju Prison Case

  Jeju is practicing the 2nd tests on 853 people(622 inmates and 231 staffers) today.

- BTJ Center of the Nations(As of 11 am)

  19 visitors out of 39 have had tests so far. 14 got negative results, while 5 are still standing by for the outcome. 3 more people will be tested today.

  Out of the rest 17, 2 denied having gone to the center, and 1 leaving the island. The other 14 cannot be reached, yet.

by bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 1. 14. 12:22