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[김어준의 KFC#번외편] 세월호 3대 의혹!

지난달 30일 올라온 것이긴 하지만,

비슷한 의혹에 기반한 취재한 내용들이 많았던 것 같아 링크함.

게시 시간: 2014. 4. 30.

[단독] "첫 바지선 언딘이 '알박기' ... 해수부 회의록 '언딘'을 지웠다."
Questions about the Contract of Undine as the Sole Rescue Company

#1. 침몰전 - 왜 세월호만 없나?
- 2달치 자동 보관?

→ '자료가 없다'는 것은 말이 되지 않는다

- 대산 관제센터

→ 대산 VTS와는 교신 기록이 남아 있는데, 진도 VTS와는 없다?

- 편집의혹?

→ "SBS 보도처럼 원래 잘 들려야 할 것을, KBS 보도처럼 고의로 잡음을 만들고, 그리고 YTN 보도처럼 위치 정보라고 하기에는 너무나도 짧거나 긴 구간을 삭제했다면, 뭘 삭제했냐 이거죠?"

- 16번 채널?

→ 이를 사용하지 않은 것은 이미 세월호+진도VTS 간 교신 중이었기 때문에 사용할 필요가 없었던 것 아닌가?

#2. 침몰후
- 바지선?

→ 먼저 도착한 현대보령호는 언딘의 리베로호가 올 때까지 대기하다 그냥 철수. 언딘이 부른 '2003 금호 바지선'도 마찬가지

- 잠수사?

→ "시신 1구당 얼마씩으로 성과급이였다면, 현장에 있는 잠수사들 모두와 계약했을 것"

- 정부?

→ 구조 업체가 연일 기자회견. "이 현장에 정부가 있기는 한 건가?", "수난구조는 국가의 의무라고 법에 정하고 있다"

* 공개방송 *
5월7일(수) 저녁 8시, 대학로 카페 벙커

* 시청자 문의 및 제보 *
트위터 @sisakfc, 전자우편 leepd@hani.co.kr

Hankyoreh TV [Kim Ou-joon's kfc] monitored by Citizen J.
Questions about the Contract of Undine as the Sole Rescue Company

Kim Ou-joon, the president of Ddanzi media group, argued that Undine (Undine Marine Industries), the only rescue company that is contracted by the government for the Sewol ferry, played a "nail barge," in his TV show [Kim Uh-joon's kfc] on May 1st. Kim raised a question about the fairness behind Undine's being contracted as the only private company to take part in the rescue of the Sewol ferry. He said, "the minute of a meeting convened by the vice minister of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, on the day of the accident, specified Undine already as the only rescue company, and then in 14 days after the meeting (April 30th), the company's name is deleted, out of the blue."
Kim provided evidences that Undine played a "nail barge." The first barge that arrived at the site was 123 Kumho, which proved to have been dispatched by Undine. Then the second barge Hyundai Boryung of Ocean C & I (Ocean Construction and Installation), whose capacity was approved to be proper for the Sewol rescue by the Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, arrived at the site. But Hyundai Boryung had only to stand by for 56 hours, being unable to do anything while 123 Kumho was in charge. When the third barge Undine's Libero arrived, 123 Kumho yielded the way to Libero. Kim argued this was the manipulative holdout (a.k.a. "nail barge") by Undine who calculated the costs and benefits of monopolizing the rescue. The problem was that the Sewol passengers who might as well have been alive at the moment were dying trapped in the sinking ferry. As a matter of fact, Hyundai Boryung is twice as big as Undine's Libero and is sturdier to manage the heavy diving bells that should have been used earlier.

Kim made a point that the contract Undine had got with the government ultimately has left the kids die in the ferry. It is because as soon as a private company is granted the monopoly in the entire rescue process, the lives of the passengers could get behind in the company's priority. The priority of a private enterprise can be monetary gain even at the sight of dying people. "Who decided Undine as the sole rescue company, while its ability was not proved?"
The first official meeting to set up the countermeasures was convened by the vice minister of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries at 8pm on the day of accident. The meeting minute included "Eunjin-sa" on the column of the "rescue company's opinion." When asked by Ddanzi reporters, a personnel of the Ministry provided an explanation that "Eunjin" was a transcription error for "Undine." In the minute of the second meeting of the Ministry, Undine was found in the "rescue company contracted." However on April 30th, 14 days afterwards, right after Ddanzi reporters questioned who decided Undine as the sole rescue company, the meeting minutes got revised by deleting the name "Undine." Kim continued, "Why was the name Undine deleted from the meeting minutes? Can that be possible? Who decided Undine as the rescue company on the very day of the accident? This decision left the kids die while wasting the golden time for real rescue. We shall delve into this very decision." 연출 : 이경주, 박수진, 정주용, 종합편집: 박수진, 정주용
진행: 배상명, 박주성, 김수기, 김준엽, 나호영
기술감독: 박성영, 카메라감독: 정동화, 장지남, 정주용

by bigfool.in.jeju 2014. 5. 10. 18:30
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 다이빙벨 투입 불가 방침엔 분명히 뭔가 있구나,

 아마추어 다이버인 내가 들어도 택도 없는 이유를 들이댈 정도라니.

 다이빙벨은 굳이 말하면 전진 초소 정도로 생각하면 될 것 같은데

 이종인 대표 내용은 53:08부터.


by bigfool.in.jeju 2014. 4. 28. 15:53
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