336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


  Jeju had 3 more cases of COVID19 positive for last 2 days including 2 tourists and 1 traveler-back. The number of infecton surpassed 100 this year. The government extended the level of social distance for another 2 weeks with conditions.

● Jan. 29th(#520~521)

  It was 2 tourists from Seoul area that tested positive on January 29th. They arrived in Jeju on the 27th, but had symptoms before going to Seogwipo Seobu Healthcare Center to get tests. They are known to have contacted 21 people which include passengers and family. 8 of them are in isolation in Jeju.

  They stayed most of the time in Jeju at their accommodation except when they went out for walk, according to the analysis of the authority. They used a rent-a-car when they moved.


● Jan. 30th(#522)

  Case 522 has been in isoaltion since arriving in Jeju on January 19th after coming back to Korea on January 17th. This person tested positive at the last check-up before getting free of the isolation.


  The 2nd level of social distancing is extended for another 2 weeks(Feb. 1~14) along with the decision of the government. The call is the result of the fear that the Seol holidays can spread the coronavirus. But, this was made with the condition that it can be changed in a week considering the financial problems with many retailers.

by bigfool.in.jeju 2021. 1. 31. 22:30