336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
source= Jeju Special Self-governing Provincial Office.
As of March 11th, Jeju has 4 confirmed coronavirus patients. One of them was released from the hospital on March 7th. 73 are being tested, while 31 self-quarantined.
The problem now is that a woman in her 40s, who was confirmed positive in Seoul, is known to have visited Jeju on March 7th, last Saturday. Dongjak-gu Community Health Center informed Jeju of her infection and the itinerary, which is as below. Further investigation is going on.
It seems important to find out if
1. She has any connection with the cult
2. Why she visited Jeju when she had symptoms
3. She had no companion
●Wed, 4th
- Had coughing and sore throat
- Had lunch in Noryangjin1-dong(삼삼돈까스)
- 1:40pm went to have a job interview in Yeongdeungpo-gu
- Went to her work place(call-center), Daiso Noryangjin by the bus, visited her brother, and came back home
●Thu. 5th
- 9:00am went to work
- 6:00pm left the work
●Fri. 6th
- Spent the last day at work
●Sat. 7th
- 8:45am left for Jeju on OZ8915 (2 cabin crew + 23 passengers)
- 10:13am ~ 10:24am went to Jeju Bus Terminal by the bus(No. 466)
- 10:25am ~ 11:00am had luch at a buffet restaurant(제주기사정식뷔페식당) (1 worker + 2 guests)
- 11:00am ~ 11:24am waited for bus at the terminal
- 11:24am ~ 1:03pm took a bus(No. 201) to Gwangchigi beach
- 1:03pm ~ 1:32pm stayed at the beach
- 1:32pm ~ 2:11pm took a bus(No. 201) to Dongsung-dong
- 2:11pm ~ 2:25pm looked around a canola field
- 2:25pm ~ 2:39pm took a bus(No. 201) to Hamdeok (1 driver)
- 2:39pm ~ 2:50pm looked around Hamdeok beach
- 2:50pm ~ 3:00pm visited U-dream Mart Hamdeok
- 3:00pm ~ 6:30pm went to the cafe at Poemhouse Pension (1 worker)
- 6:33pm ~ 6:45pm had ramen at GS25 Hamdeok Golden Tulip (1 worker + 1 customer)
- 7:07pm ~ 7:26pm took a bus(No. 311) to Hwabuk Nammun
- 7:33pm ~ 8:04pm took a bus(No. 331) to Jeju Int'l Airport (1 driver)
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
source: Jeju Special Self-governing Provincial Office.
Jeju has found 4 people confirmed positive for COVID-19 test as of March 6th. All were found to have been infected from visiting Daegu.
The last 4th male case has caused some news as his itinerary changed significantly. The second announcement of it had more possiblities of close contacts, especially with his crew. Local newspapers' reports raise suspicions over this matter because Jeju government is very reluctant to revealing the itinerary of the 'acquaintance' of the No. 4. Its gender has never officialy been exposed, yet. But, rumors say it is a female, who was informed of his result and tested positive in Daegu.
To day, he has been investigated to have seen 74 people in a close range in 8 different places.
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
A 48-year-old woman from Daegu was yesterday confirmed positive for COVID-19, Jeju announced. According to Jeju, she came to Jeju on February 23rd. She has stayed at her friend's house in Hamdeok. Her route was investigated as following;
Feb. 23 Arrived in Jeju to friend's house in Hamdeok.
( Further investigation in process)
Feb. 26th 1100 am. The friend's house. 1200 pm ~ 530 pm. Fishing at the wharf of Dongbok port. 540 pm ~ 625 pm. Dinner at 'Jeju Gdde Gjib Hamdeok Branch' w 3 people. 625 pm ~ 630 pm. Moved to 'Hamdeok Ogoon Musictown' noraebang by the restaurant's car 630 pm ~ 900 pm. Sang at the karaoke room. 900 pm. Took a taxi at near Hamdeok Police Box to home.
Feb. 27th 100 pm ~ . Driving on the coastal road in the friend's car. 456 pm. Went to GS25 convenience store at Coop City hotel. 500 pm. Back to the friend's house and dinner.
Feb. 28th Stayed home all day. 957 pm. Chicken delivered.
Feb. 29th 200 pm ~ 249 pm. Lunch at Daesung Agujjim. 320 pm. Had coffee in paper cup at 'People cafe' in Sinchon, and took a walk toward Sinchon port for 20ish minutes. 500 pm. Back home.
Mar. 1st 247 pm. Heard her mom tested positive. 400 pm. Moved to Hanmaeum hospital in the friend's car. 500 pm. Arrived at the hospital. 700 pm. Back home and began self-quarantine. 1200 am. Transported to Jeju Nat'l Uni. hospital.
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
Captured on jeju.go.kr/covid19.jsp
The image above in Korean show the status of COVID-19 as of Feb. 26th. It reads,
Source: Jeju COVID-19 Countermeasure HQ, as of 10:00 am, FEB 26th, 2020
※ Update: 10:00 am & 5:00 pm everyday
Confiremd +
The Central government along with Seoul & Gyeonggi Provincial Government are pushing every effort at hand to kick down the spreading of the novel coronavirus cases right now. Jeju has been, till now, lucky as there is no casualty from it.
The governor, Won Hee-ryong recently declared 'war on COVID-19' in coordination with national COVID-19 prevention plans to help keep Jeju residents ad vistors safe, visitjeju.en, the official English instagram account of Jeju posted, on Feb. 26.
It says 'This includes the temporary closure of public museums, atletic grounds, libraries, and increased disinfection measures in public place'.
This makes every day life very boring. But, normal people as well as politicians are looking forward to the ending of the horrific disease. So, they understand it as the best way to do realize it as quickly as possible. That way, we can recover from the present devastation, both pschologically and economically.
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
동네에 있는 어느 치킨집에 붙인 중국인 손님 입장금지 안내문. 배달 전문업소인 것 같은데, 굳이 이런 걸 써붙여야 했을까? A local fried chicken shop posts this sign of 'No Chinese Tourist'. It seems to do mostly delivery service. And does it have to do so?
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
Jeju Tourism Organization official English promotion channel posted notice as below as worries deepen on the spike of the numbers of confirmed patients and deaths from it. Please, read it through, and keep your health.
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
The Official Briefing at Jeju Office on February 21st. ⓒ Jeju Government.
The man who contacted the COVID19 patient No. 31 was diagnosed as 'negative' to tests, Jeju Special Self-governing Provincial Office(Jeju) on Friday announced.
Jeju Institute of Health and Environment confirmed it as of 4:20 pm on Thursday after running tests on the suspect, Jeju explained. He was said to have contacted the No. 31 before he came to Jeju on February 10th.
Jeju advised him to stay home for self-quaranteen until the 24th. Jeju also asked his housemate to do same.
Aside from this case, Jeju found a Navy soldier(22) who was recently in Daegu has tested potitive for COVID19 and is quarantined at a local hospital, visitjeju.en(the official English channel on instagram of Jeju Tourism organization) posted this day.
He told Jeju that he visited Daegu on Feb. 13th on his leave and returned to Jeju on Feb. 18th. He is from Daegu, Jeju added. He was wearing a mask all the way from Daegu Int'l Airport. He took a taxi to his residency near the airport. He got his symptoms on Feb. 19th with itchy throat and coughing, which made the base separate him from the other soldiers. Next day, he went to Special Clinic at Halla Hospital and got 'positive' on the test.
■ 제주특별자치도가 코로나19 확진 판정을 받은 대구 지역 31번 확진자와 접촉한 도내 30대 남성이 도 보건환경연구원 진단 결과, 최종 음성 판정을 받았다고 밝혔다.
■ 도는 오늘(20일) 오전 9시 40분 경 질병관리정보시스템을 통해 대구시 중앙역학조사관 조사 결과 A씨가 대구 체류 중 31번 확진자와 접촉했다는 사실을 통보 받았다.
❍ 도는 의심사례 2유형*으로 간주해 선제적 대응 차원에서 2월 20일 11시 20분 경 보건소 구급차로 서귀포의료원에 이송해 검체 채취를 실시했으며, 보건환경연구원 검사 의뢰 결과 오후 16시 20분에 음성 판정 결과를 확인했다.
* 코로나19 대응지침 제6판 의사환자 2번: 확진환자의 증상발생 기간 중 확진환자와 접촉한 후 14일 이내에 발열 또는 호흡기증상(기침, 인후통 등)이 나타난 자
■ 특히 A씨의 코로나19 감염 여부를 파악하기 위한 상세 면담을 진행한 결과, 해당 남성은 지난 2월 9일까지 대구에서 거주하다 2월 10일 제주로 왔으며, 2월 11일부터는 도내 직장에 근무 중인 것으로 파악됐다.
■ 도는 의심사례 2 유형에 따라 검사결과 판정 시까지 서귀포의료원에 해당 남성을 격리 조치했으며 현재 음성 판정을 받았으나 오는 24일까지 A씨에게 자가 격리를 명령했다.
❍ 현재 A씨는 코로나19 관련 증상은 없는 상태이다.
❍ 또한 도는 접촉자와 함께 생활 중인 동료에 대해서도 대중교통 이용 자제 및 외출 자제를 권고하고 개인위생 교육을 철저히 준수할 것을 요청했다.
■ 현재까지 제주에서 코로나19 감염 검사대상자는 오전 10시 기준 총 171명(148명 음성)이며, 현재 검사가 진행 중인 23명을 제외하고 모두 음성판정을 받았다.
■ 도는 ‘감염병 확진자 제로(Zero)’로 청정지역을 유지하고 있지만, 지역사회 감염 확산에 대한 도민 우려가 높은 만큼 제주국제공항 국내선 도착장에 발열감시카메라를 추가로 설치하고 청정 제주지역 사수를 위해 만전을 기할 방침이다.
❍ 원희룡 지사는 이와 관련해 오늘 오후 제주국제공항을 찾아 국내선 입국장 발열검사에 대한 현장 점검에 나섰다.
❍ 이어 내일 오전에는 제주보건소를 방문해 지역사회 감염 방지를 위한 방역 대책 현황과 애로사항 등을 청취할 예정이다.
■ 제주특별자치도는 20일 오후 4시 30분경 신종코로나바이러스 감염증-19 양성 반응자를 확인했다고 밝혔다.
❍ 첫 양성 반응자로 밝혀진 남성은 지난 2월 13일 군부대 휴가를 위해 대구를 방문했다가 18일에 다시 입도한 대구광역시민으로 22세 남성으로 확인됐다.
❍ 22세 남성은 입도 후 부대 앞 편의점을 방문한 뒤 바로 공항 인근 부대로 복귀한 것으로 파악됐다.
❍ 해당 남성은 마스크를 착용해서 대구공항, 항공기, 제주공항, 택시를 이용해 제주공항 옆 항공부대로 이동했으며, 시내 이동은 없는 것으로 파악됐다.
❍ 지난 19일부터 목이 간지럽고 기침 증상이 나타나 바로 부대에서 격리조치가 이뤄졌다.
❍ 이어 그는 20일 한라병원 선별진료소로 내원해 선별진료소에서 1차 검사를 진행으로 양성 판정을 받았으며, 질병관리본부에서 2차 검사를 진행할 예정이다.
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
The Press Briefing by Jeju Gov't on Feb. 20.
A Jeju resident have contacted the 31st COVID19 patient confirmed in Daegu, Jeju Special Self-governing Provincial Office(Jeju) announced on Thursday.
Jeju held an official briefing at the press room revealing that it got a notice from Korea Center for Disease Control&Prevention(KCDC) at 9:30 am this day, and it is on epidemiological investigation. The suspect, who is only disclosed as a man in his 30s, is analyzed to have met the No. 31 at a church in Daegu. The church is known to be the source of massive contagion.
He doesn't show any symptom, yet, and denies visiting the building, Jeju added. So, they are checking his statement, and planning to run COVID19 test.
So far, Jeju has done tests on 152 suspects, 140 of them confirmed as negative and 12 under screening, as of 9:00 am of this day.
As COVID19 patients increase, Jeju furthers epidemioogical tests by executing them on people whom doctors get a suspicion of the symptoms and hospitalized patients from pneumonia of unknown reason, effective as of 9:00 am today. This is a more active preemptive measure to prevent the disease from being spreaded after 13 days from the beginning of the 5th version of response manual on February 7th.
(Everybody, stay healthy! Call 1339(KCDC) and press number '4' to get connected to 1330(Tour Info Center) for foreging language service if you have any question or symptom of COVID19)
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Poster. ⓒ JMOA.
Jeju Museum of Art(JMoA) opens its first exhibition in 2020, <Together, See> from February 25th to May 24th
It is planned to propose 'Let's go together!' with Jeju people and visitors as a first step for the new decade filled with hopes and expectation because it will have its 10th anniversary.
The Korean title <Hondui, Bom> is combined with the Jeju word 'Hondui' which means 'together', and 'Bom' that is 'to see' symbolizing the sensual aspect of visual arts. So, it presents that people 'see, feel, and share together' the expansion of visual arts during facing the reality of our society, culture, and arts.
Cho Semin <Welcome With 7 Arms Wide>. Downloaded from www.jeju.go.kr.
You can look around 24 pieces of media, installation, and canvas arts by 13 artists.
For media arts, Han Ho, Kim Sejin, Kim Changgyeom, Kim Anna, Jennifer Steinkamp, and Universal Everything join. For installation, Han Seunggoo, Han Gyeongwoo, Choi Jongwoon, and Cho Semin are in the list. For canvas, Won Seongwon and Kim Eunhyeong are included.
The special point of this event, JMoA emphasized, is that the variety of video installation and interactive exhibits will draw participation of viewers, and give a chance to enjoy and closely share characteristics of the contemporary arts.
The admission is 2k KRW for adults. You can go onto the official website(jmoa.jeju.go.kr) and check the details.
Universal Everything <Made by Humans. Downloaded from www.jeju.go.kr.
□ 제주도립미술관(관장 최정주)은 올해 첫 전시인 <혼듸, 봄>전을 2월 25일(화)부터 2020년 5월 24일(일)까지 개최한다고 밝혔다.
□ <혼듸, 봄> 전시는 10년의 역사를 쌓아온 제주도립미술관이 2020년 새봄을 맞아 희망과 기대로 가득한 새로운 10년을 향한 첫걸음으로 도민과 관람객 모두와 ‘함께 가자’는 지향점을 담아 마련되었다.
Han Seunggoo <Skin of Skin - dia black3>. Downloaded from www.jeju.go.kr.
❍ 전시제목인 ‘혼듸, 봄’은 ‘함께’라는 뜻의 제주어 ‘혼듸’와 시각예술의 감각적 사유를 상징하는 ‘본다’는 의미를 병렬한 것 으로, 우리의 사회·문화·예술적 현실과 마주하여 시각예술의 확 장성을 ‘함께 보고 느끼고 공유한다’는 의미를 포함하고 있다.
□ 본 전시에서는 국내외에서 동시대 미술의 흐름을 주도하는 13명 작가의 미디어, 설치, 평면작품 24점을 선보인다.
❍ 미디어미술분야에는 한호, 김세진, 김창겸, 김안나, 제니퍼 스타 인캠프(Jennifer Steinkamp), 유니버셜 에브리씽(Universal Everything)이, 설치 분야에는 한승구, 한경우, 최종운, 조세민이, 평면 분야에는 원성원, 김은형이 참여하여 시각예술의 확장성을 소재로 관람객과 다감각적인 소통에 나선다.
Kim Changgyeom <The Life of Mandala>. Downloaded from www.jeju.go.kr.
❍ 특히, 이번 전시에서는 다채로운 영상 설치와 상호적인(인터렉티브) 방식을 활용한 작품들이 선보여 관람객의 참여를 유도하고, 동시대 미술의 특징을 조밀하게 공감할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다.
❍ 현대 기술의 급속한 발전은 작가들의 창작활동의 영역을 무한히 확장시켜 왔다. 그렇게 기술과 결합된 예술은 관람객이 보다 능동적인 자세로 작품과 직접 교감할 수 있도록 유도하고 있다.
Kim Eunhyeong <The Storyteller>. Downloaded from www.jeju.go.kr.
이번 전시를 통해 전통적인 영역의 시각예술의 의미를 확장해 온 동 시대 미술의 다면적 양상을 들여다보는 한편, 미술의 미래에 대해 질문하고 성찰할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
□ 제주도립미술관 최정주 관장은 “<혼듸, 봄>전은 매체의 본질을 뚫고 관계와 협력, 소통을 통해 이뤄진 감각의 확장, 미학적 진보를 경험할 수 있는 다차원적 예술 현상과 마주하는 기회”라고 밝히며 “관찰과 참여, 관계와 소통을 기반으로 한 동시대 미술의 특징을 공감할 수 있는 장이 될 것이다”고 말했다.
Han Ho <The Eternal Light - The Last Supper in the 21st Century>. Downloaded from www.jeju.go.kr.
□ 한편 이번 <혼듸, 봄>전의 관람료는 성인 2천원이다. 전시에 대한 자세한 내용은 제주도립미술관 홈페이지(jmoa.jeju.go.kr)를 통하여 확인할 수 있다.
Kim Sejin <Messengers>. Downloaded from www.jeju.go.kr.