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Jeju Tourism Organization(JTO) Notice of Postponing Jeju Fire Festival. Captured on JTO official instagram.
Jeju Fire Festival, which was scheduled for March 12~15, has been postponed in order to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, Jeju Tourism Organization(JTO) on Tuesday announced.
It added the event may be canceled depending on the situation.
This year’s Jeju Fire Festival, which was scheduled for March 12-15, has been temporarily postponed in order to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. Currently no new scheduling information is available and depending on the situation, this year’s celebration may be canceled. More information will be posted as soon as an announcement is made (www.visitjeju.net/u/44h). Thank you. Meanwhile, please contact the Jeju Tourist Information Center with any inquiries you may have regarding travel to the island at this time. You can chat online (www.visitjeju.net/u/44i) or call 064-740-6000 during regular business hours.
Jeju has already seen a lot of calling offs, including the regular concert of Jeju Philharmonic Orchestra(Feb. 7), 2020 Winter Reading Camp of the Library of Miracle(Feb. 7~8), and the 36th Anniversary Ceremony of Woodang Library(Feb. 15~16).
Temporarily put off are sport events like the 11th Tamna Cup National Primary School Baseball Championships(Feb. 1~8), 2020 Jeju Peace National Taekwondo Championships and the 4th Taekwondo Poomsae Championships(Feb. 13~23), the 26th Governor's Flag Sports for All Promotion Provincial Tennis Championshops(Feb. 29), the 15th National Outstanding High School Winter League Baseball Championships(mid Feb.), the 26th National Middle School Baseball Championships(mid Feb.), the 47th Governor's Flag Badminton Championships(Mar. 7~8), etc. 2020 Chilsipri Spring National Youth Football League Championships(Feb. 10~16) was called off.
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Yerae Resort. ⓒJejueconomy. All Rights Reserved.
Jeju Free International City Development Centre(JDC) may have found an exit from the legal case with Berjaya Jeju Resort(BJR), Jejueconomy, a local internet newspaper, on Monday, reported.
According to the article, Seoul Central District Court postponed the due adjudication to see both of the parties can make a deal out as much as 350 billion KRW(appx. 310m US$). It was supposed to make the final conclusion on February 6th.
This is drawn out after JDC and BJR met for an agreement. Moon Daerim, the CEO of JDC made a visit to Berjaya Corporation Bhd in Malaysia last December. He is said to have met Vincent Tan, the executive chairman, and exchanged ways to figure the conflict out. They agreed to examine them to minimize the possible damages to the both organizations and will proceed more negotiations.
The weak side is that BJR estimated its loss on the resort project as much as over 4 trillion KRW(appx. 36 bi. US$), which may lead to additional lawsuits. To avoid it, JDC has been ceaselessly contacting landowners, Jejueconomy added.
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Jeju Special Self-governing Province announced on Sunday late night that it verified the Chinese woman diagnosed with the novel coronavirus is from Wuhan, Hubei, where is known to be the origin of the virus, entered Jeju via Yangzhou from Wuhan.
■ 제주특별자치도는 제주를 거쳐 중국으로 귀국한 후 신종 코로나바이러스 감염병 확진 판정을 받은 중국인 관광객 A씨가 제주지역 여행 시에 약국에서 해열진통제를 구입한 사실을 확인했다고 2일 밝혔다. (-> 향후 추가 역학조사 결과 제3자의 약을 구매했던 것으로 밝혀짐)
Jeju also found it out that she bought painkillers at a drugstore in Nuwemaru street in Yeon-dong, Jeju city on January 24th, after scrutinizing surveillance cameras of her moving routes from the 21st to the 25th of January, with the the help of her daughter. ( -> It is later concluded that she bought them for other person.)
■ 제주도는 지난 1일부터 중국인 관광객 A씨 딸의 진술을 토대로 1월21일부터 25일까지 일자별 동선에 대해 CCTV 확인 및 방문 조사를 벌이던 중 A씨가 지난 1월 24일 오후 제주시 연동 누웨마루거리 소재 H약국에서 해열진통제를 구입한 것을 확인했다. (-> 제3자를 위한 것이었던 것으로 확인)
The pharmacist at the store said, during the interview with a Jeju health official, "She came in and showed me what she had. It was a painkiller with components to relieve coughs and fever.", Jeju explained.
■ 해당 약국 약사는 제주도 방역담당자와의 면담에서 “A씨는 약국에 들어온 뒤 가지고 있던 약을 보여주었고, 해당 약을 확인해본 결과 기침과 해열제 성분이 든 해열진통제이었다”고 밝혔다. (-> 이 내용 또한 틀린 것으로 결론)
This led Jeju to a conclusion that she possibly had similar symptoms like coughing and spitting phlegm. So, Jeju began anayzing her contacts during visiting Jeju.
■ 제주도는 이에 중국인 관광객 A씨가 기존부터 기침과 가래 등의 유사 증세가 있었을 수도 있다고 보고, A씨와 제주에서 접촉했던 사람들을 확인하기 위해 철야 CCTV 분석 작업에 돌입했다.
The drugstore is temporarily shut down.
■ 제주도는 A씨가 해열진통제를 구입한 약국에 대해 약국의 협조를 얻어 임시휴업 조치를 했다.
■ 제주특별자치도는 중국인 관광객 A씨가 중국 우한에서 양저우를 거쳐 제주에 입도한 사실을 추가로 파악했으며, A씨가 우한 출신인 것도 확인했다고 밝혔다.
Jejusori, a local internet newspaper rendered a map image of her routes according to the result, as below.
The Traveling Route of the Chinese Tourist. ⓒJejusori.
① Jan. 21, Arrivied at Jeju Int'l Airport by the last flight by a transportation from Flora Hotel.
□ (1월21일) 마지막 비행기 편으로 제주에 도착한 후 플로라호텔(제주시 연동 소재) 차량을 이용하여 플로라호텔로 이동.
② Jan. 22, Visited Ecoland, Sangumburi, and Udo Islet on a van with 9 other Chinese. Had a lunch there. Visited Seongsanilchulbong, came back to the hotel, and had a dinner at a nearby restaurant.
□ (1월22일) 오전에 중국인 10명이 승합차를 이용하여 에코랜드, 산굼부리를 거쳐 우도에 도착한 후 우도 내 음식점에서 점심을 먹은 뒤 우도를 나와 성산일출봉을 거쳐 숙소 근처 하차, 신라면세점 인근 음식점에서 저녁식사를 하고, 숙소로 이동.
③ Jan. 23, Went shopping at the two duty-free shops, had a luch at a chicken shop, moved to Chilsungro by the public bus, walked around there, and came back to hotel by the public bus.
□ (1월23일) 오전에 숙소에서 나와 도보로 이동하여 롯데면세점과 신라면세점에서 쇼핑을 한 후 신라면세점 인근 치킨집에서 점심식사를 한 뒤 시내버스를 이용하여 칠성통으로 이동, 칠성통 구경 후 시내버스를 이용하여 숙소로 이동.
④ Jan. 24, Visited the 1100 Heights, the rainbow road, Dodu costal road by the bus, had a luch at a cafe, came back to hotel, had a dinner, walked in Nuwemaru street, bought things at a convenience store, and finished the tour.
□ (1월24일) 숙소에서 버스를 이용하여 1100고지와 무지개도로, 도두 해안도로를 구경한 후 도두해안도로 소재 카페에서 점심식사, 다시 버스를 이용하여 숙소 인근 음식점에서 저녁을 먹고 누웨마루거리를 산책하던 중 편의점에 들렀다가 다시 숙소로 이동.
⑤ Jan. 25, Went to the airport by a van from the hotel, and left for China.
□ (1월25일) 숙소에서 시내버스를 이용하여 제주국제공항으로 이동한 후 중국행.
As the danger level hightens, South Korean government ordered banning travellers who are from or visited Wuhan within last 14 days from entering to Korea. It will be active from the midnight tonight.
Any foreign person who lies will be expelled and be forbidden to visit Korea, if it is exposed.
The Central Accident Response Headquarters is setting up Special Entry Procedure for entries from China. Korean and foreign nationals will have different steps as the result. Chinese-only Entry will execute On-scene Residency&Phone Number Check. Officials will make a phone call to the number to see if it is valid.
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Jeju Island. ⓒJeju.
The land price of Jeju lost its inertia as it recorded decrease by 1.77% last year, Jejusori on Moday reported quoting MoLIT(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) statistics. Jejusori pointed out that this is the first turning back ever since 2008 as it also marked the only region in Korea.
According to the statistics, Seogwipo city resulted in negative by 1.81%, and Jeju city by 1.74%. Jeju has shown very steep increase of its land value after negative 0.02% in 2008.
It is analyzed that influx of population and tourists accompanied by the 2nd airport plan attributed to booming up the land price. But, a sharp decline of Chinese youkes(tourists) and investment because of THAAD conflict took a critical blow to the side.
The MoLIT told Jejusori "Investment and actual demands contracted as the 2nd airport development plan slowed down and people thought the land price reached its peak." and "Subsided purchase needs and investment demands from recession also made a contribution."
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The Pros and Cons over the 2nd airport in Jeju is neck-and-neck.
A recent poll, requested jointly by Jejusori, Jejusinbo, Jeju MBC and Jeju CBS, resulted in 'Agree' 47.3%, and 'Disagree' 48.5%, Jejusori, on Monday, reported. The previous one showed a not quite different answers as 'Agree' 47.9%, and 'Disagree' 45.4%, it added.
For 'Disagree', people in the 40s(56.5%) and 50s(51.3%), white-collar workers(54.1%) and housewives(54.5%) are higher than other groups. The constituency of Jeju City A, where the present airport is located, is special as 'Disagree' is 55.7% that is very higher than 'Agree' 40.1% by 15.6% points.
For 'Agree', people in the 30s(50.5%) and over 60(50.6%), primary workers(53.0%) answered relatively more. The electoral district of Seogwipo City got 53.5% of 'Agree', which is higher than 'Disagree' (40.7%) by 12.8% points. The election precinct of Jeju City B made 50.2% of 'Agree', comparing with 46.7% of 'Disagree', what makes a 3.5% points difference.
The 3 regions(Seongsan-eup, Pyoseon-myeon, and Namwon-eup), which includes the 2nd airport location, are concluded in 62.1% of 'Disagree', while 'Agree' is 25.9%.
Jejuites chose, as a solution for the conflict, 'Re-examination(29.8%)' first. 'Opinion Survey(23.6%)' and 'Referendum(23.6%)' came next. 'Stick to the Plan' made 22.8%.
For 'Re-examination', 40s(38.1%), Jeju City A district(34.1%), and white-collar workers(36.5%) voted the most.
For 'Referendum', under 20(28.%) and student(28.2%) showed more interests.
For 'Stick to the Plan', over 60(29.8%), Seogwipo City district(30.8%), and primary industry workers(34.2%) got the most answers.
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A hit-and-run driver is arrested at his friend's house in Jondal-ri Gujwa-eup, Jeju City at 3:45 pm on January 27th, Jeju Dongbu Police Station, on Tuesday, revealed.
The driver, identified as Mr. Shin(21), allegedly hit a 70ish female near Jeju Student Culture Center in Ido2-dong yesterday at about 6:45 am and ran away. The female was later found lying down in the street and carried to a hospital, where she was announced dead.
The police said that Mr. Shin admitted the responsibility but denied DUI. So, they collected his blood for trying Widmark method for a closer investigation.
The police added that there was a passenger in his vehicle. They will charge him, too, if Mr. Shin is found drunken driving at that time. ROK penalize if a passenger doesn't stop the driver from the crime.
(Additional information reported on Wednesday 29th)
The Jeju Police requested an arrest warrant on Mr. Shin as it is found that he was drunken driving at the time of the accident. He may face minimum five years upto life imprisonment after trial.
The victim was sweeping the street when she got hit.
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The Explosin Scene. ⓒJFSH.
A raw house in Hoecheon-dong, Jeju City, had a gas explosion on the 27th.
According to Jeju Fire Safety Headquarter, it happened around 11:25 pm. The broken hose may have lead to the accident, it presumed. The police sent it to NFS(National Forensic Service) for a close investigation.
The Broken Hose. ⓒJFSH.
제주시 회천동 한 연립주택에서 가스폭발 사고가 일어났지만 다행히 인명피해는 없었다.
제주도소방안전본부는 27일 저녁 11시 25분쯤 제주시 회천동 소재 연립주택 주방에서 LP가스 고무호스 파손으로 추정되는 가스폭발사고가 일어났다고 밝혔다.
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
Japanese Apricot Flowers. ⓒJeju.
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province(Jeju) on Wednesday announced that it wil continue raid illegal accommodation and tour business in 2020.
제주특별자치도는 건전 관광문화 정착을 위하여 2020년에도 불법 숙박영업행위 및 관광사범 단속을 지속적으로 실시하고, 불법행위에 대해서는 강력한 제재조치를 해나가겠다고 밝혔다.
The first target is who uses unsold apartment houses, town houses, exploits farming&fishing village homestays, and so on in real estate market slump. For this, joint taskforces of civil and official staff will operate so that they can close unregistered business down and report them to tax authorities.
우선, 최근 부동산 분양 침체로 미분양 아파트, 타운하우스의 불법숙박업, 농어촌민박의 변형 운영 등으로 증가되는 무등록(미신고) 숙박업소의 불법 영업 근절을 위하여, 『불법 숙박업소 민·관 합동 단속T/F』를 지속 가동하며, 무등록(미신고) 숙박영업 업체에 대해서는 영업장 폐쇄 및 세무서 고발 등 강력한 제재조치를 해나갈 계획이다.
Jeju has been running the taskforce since the late 2018, and put them into joint operations since 2019. They made raids once a week, and found 396 cases out(143 reported & 253 cases warned).
❍ 제주특별자치도는 2018년 하반기부터 행정시에 전담『불법숙박 점검 T/F팀』을 설치, 단속해 나가고 있으며, 2019년부터는 도․행정시 관련 부서 및 자치경찰단, 관광협회 등과 합동단속T/F팀을 구성, 주1회 이상 단속하여 2019년 396건을 단속하였다.(고발조치 143건, 계도 253건)
It will also intensify busting running unregistered tour business, hiring uncertificated guides, guiding without certificate on, transporting tourist without certficate or registration. It caught 95 cases(unregisterd tour business 17, hiring uncertificated guides 7, guiding without certificate on 4, illegal paid transportation 67) last year.
또한, 개별여행객이 많아지면서 SNS를 통한 불법 모객활동이 증가함에 따라, 이를 단속하기 위하여
도와 행정시 및 유관기관(제주출입국·외국인청, 제주세관, 관광협회)합동으로, 무등록 여행업, 무자격 가이드 고용, 자격증 미패용, 무면허.무등록 여객운송을 집중 단속할 계획이며, 2019년에는 95건의 (무등록여행업 17건, 무자격통역안내 7건, 자격증미패용 4건, 유상운송행위 67건) 관광사범을 단속하였다.
It will, this year, put more efforts on arresting illegan aliens with setting up cooperation system with Jeju Immigration Office.
올해에는 특히, 제주출입국외국인청과 업무협조 체계를 구축하여 불법체류자에 대한 조치를 강화할 계획이다.
Illegal tour business bring chaos to the industry, damages to legal ones, inconvenience to residents, dangers to tourists, and so on, it emphasized.
불법 관광 행태는 건전관광 질서를 흐리고, 정상 관광업체의 상대적 피해 발생, 지역주민 생활불편 호소, 관광객 안전 위협 및 관광 서비스 질 저하 등의 문제를 불러오고 있다.
이에 따라, 제주자치도에서는 지속적인 단속 활동 강화 및 적발업소에 대해 강력한 행정제재를 취하고, 고발 조치 후에 다시 영업하는 사례가 발생하지 않도록, 주기적인 점검으로, 클린 관광환경 조성에 박차를 가해 나갈 계획이다.
ㅁ 강영돈 관광국장은 “강력한 단속으로 건전한 관광질서를 만들어 나가겠다”며, “관광객들도 안전하고 안락한 제주관광을 위해서 합법 관광시설을 이용하는 것이 중요하므로, 제주도 홈페이지(jeju.go.kr)에 매월 게재되고 있는 관광사업체 확인을 당부드린다”고 밝혔다. 더불어 “불법 관광업체 신고 등에도 도민과 관광객들의 적극 참여 부탁드린다”고 말했다.
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province on Wednesday declared it will designate Seongpanak area in Mt. Halla(Rt. 1131) as 'No Parking Zone' and enforce it with 'Reservation System to Mt. Halla' in active since February 1st.
제주특별자치도는 오는 2월 1일부터 시행하는 한라산탐방예약제와 연계하여 성판악 탐방로 주변도로(지방도 1131호) 일부 구간에 대하여 주정차금지구역으로 지정하고 단속을 실시한다고 밝혔다.
The zone spans for 4.5km from the entrance to Seongpanak to Gyorae 3 Junction in Jeju city, and 1.5km from the entrance to Soop Tunnel in Seogwipo city according to Jeju.
주정차금지 구간은 성판악 입구에서 제주시 방면 교래삼거리까지 4.5km와 서귀포시 방면 숲터널 입구 1.5km까지 총 6㎞이다.
Jeju will execute the administrative notice from the 3rd to the 20th of February, and will run introductory enforcement from the 24th of February till the 30th of April to prevent people from confusion. It will then fine those who break the regulation since the 1st of May.
오는 2월 3일부터 20일간 주정차금지구역 지정에 대한 행정예고를 실시하고, 주정차단속에 따른 도민, 관광객의 혼란을 예방하기 위하여 2월 24일부터 4월 30일까지는 계도 중심의 주정차 단속을 하고, 5월1일부터는 주정차위반 행위에 대하여 과태료를 부과하게 된다.
The area lacks a lot of parking spots comparing the number of hikers(2k~3k a day) to that of parking space(78). This results in cars as many as 200 to 470 parking on shoulders, which can be dangerous as it may lead to accidents, especially for pedestrians.
주정차단속을 시행할 성판악 탐방로 주변도로(지방도 1131호)는 성판악 탐방로 이용객(1일 2~3천명)에 비해 성판악 주차장(78면)이 부족하여 많은 차량들이 갓길 주차(200~470대)하고 있는 실정이며, 이로 인해 교통사고 발생 위험이 상존하는 등 보행자의 안전이 위협받고 있다.
<성판악 탐방로 현황>
- 휴일 등산객 1일 평균 2,000~3,000명 수준
- 성판악휴게소 주차용량 : 78대(대형 18대, 소형 60대)
* 주차공간부족(승용차 기준) 평일 216대, 공휴일 470대 도로변 등 주차
- 성판악휴게소를 기점으로 5․16도로 양방면 양측 500m구간 갓길주차 성행
So, Jeju has held meetings to solve the problem, and resolved to set the neighborhood streets as no parking zone.
이에, 제주도는 한라산국립공원의 세계적 가치를 유지하고 고품격 탐방서비스를 제공하기 위해 지난해 말 유관부서 회의를 개최하여, 2020년 2월 한라산 탐방예약제 실시에 맞추어 지방도 1131호 성판악 탐방로 주변도로에서의 주․정차를 금지하기로 하였다.
Jeju will, instead, set up signs, parking reservation system assisting Mt. Halla reservation system, and build a transit parking zone near Jeju Gukje University till September.
제주도에서는 주정차단속에 앞서 주정차 금지구역 지정, 단속 안내판 설치 등 도로를 정비하는 한편, 올 5월전까지 탐방예약시스템과 연계한 사전주차예약시스템을 구축하고, 올 9월까지 국제대학교 인근에 환승주차장(199면)을 조성하기로 하였다.
And, it will also change the bus schedule in May after analyzing the difference of demand of the hikers through Seongpanak after the beginning of reservation system.
❍ 아울러, 대중교통 이용편의 제공을 위하여 탐방예약제 시행에 따른 성판악 탐방로 이용객 수요변화 등을 반영하여 하절기 탐방시간이 조정되는 5월에는 노선버스 운행시간도 조정할 계획이다.
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
The Poster of <Mountain, Mountain, Mountain>
Do you ever want to see how mountains in Korea are described in arts? Then, you have just to go to Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art(JMoCA).
JMoCA is holding an exhibition of pictures of mountains in Korea since January 21st through August 30th.
제주현대미술관은 21일부터 《산, 산, 산》전(展)을 새롭게 선보인다.
Park Gwangjin <Mt. Halla>
The exhibition displayes 16 pictures of mountains, 8 of donation from Park Gwangjin who draws populars mountains in Korea, and 8 of Halla mountain what are collections of JMoCA and Gidang museum.
이번 전시에서는 우리나라 명산의 풍경을 담은 박광진 기증작품 8점과 제주 현대미술관과 기당미술관의 소장품 중 한라산 등 산을 소재로 한 작품 8점을 소개한다.
Park Gwangjin <The Autumn at Yeongsil>
Mountains have always been a charming theme for artists whenever and wherever they are from because they have been in the human lives, JMoCA explained. And, the interest in them is still good for contemporary artists as they are much involved with spiritual and cultural part beyond the physical boundary of the nature.
인간의 삶과 함께 해 온 산은 동서고금을 막론하고 많은 작가들에게 매력적인 화제(畫題)로 작용해 왔다. 자연이라는 물리적 공간을 넘어 정신, 문화적 영역까지 인간사와 깊이 관계된 산에 대한 관심은 동시대 작가들에게도 여전히 유효하다.
Park Gwangjin <Mt. Sorak>
The works will make you feel the features of Korean nature according to the time and season with realistic shapes, colors, and emotional touches based on sketches.
전시 작품들은 사생에 근거한 사실적인 형과 색, 감각적인 필치로 시간과 계절에 따른 우리 산천의 풍토를 생생하게 느끼게 한다.
Park Gwangjin <Spring of Mt. Wolchul>
1st floor displays 8 pics of Park, which are images of different seasons of Mt. Halla, Mt. Wolchul, Mt. Baekdu, and Mt. Sorak where the artist traveled since 1970s.
1층 공간은 박광진의 작품 8점으로 구성하여 1970년대부터 작가가 제주, 전라도, 강원도, 함경도 등 우리나라 전역을 여행하며 포착한 한라산, 월출산, 백두산, 설악산의 사시사철 풍경을 보여준다.
Lee Myungbok <Mt. Halla in October>
2st floor shows pics of artists like Kim Youngjae, Kim Taekhwa, Choi Nakgyung, Kim Insoo, Jeon Ho, Lee Myungbok, Oh Seoungik, and Chae Kisun, that are diverse sceneries of mountains with full of lives, and Mt. Halla that brings you back to old memories with ocherous color.
층 공간에서는 김영재, 김택화, 최낙경, 김인수, 전호, 이명복, 오승익, 채기선 작가의 작품을 통해 풍요로운 정취의 생명 가득한 산, 황톳빛 화면으로 옛 기억을 소환하는 장중한 한라산 등 다채로운 산 풍경을 제시한다.
Oh Seoungik <Trace, Memory - Mt. Halla>
JMoCA expects the mountain pics will help you to start the new year lively with the strong force from the mountains.
9인의 작가들이 해석한 각양각색의 우리 명산 그림들을 감상할 수 있는 이번 전시를 통해 힘찬 산의 기운을 받으며 한 해를 생동감 있게 시작할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.